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tizvqeonДата: Четверг, 05.09.2013, 11:00 | Сообщение # 4711
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GlopowsnalaДата: Пятница, 06.09.2013, 15:43 | Сообщение # 4717
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The particular Olympics were brilliant 鈥?Team GB T-shirts for all! | Fashion | The Guardian
My partner has disobeyed my specific instructions and acquired himself a Team GB jersey. Can you please make sure he understands that wearing it when he  does his morning jog makes him look a suitable saddo keenster? Kelly, LondonAhhh, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly 鈥?up to I applaud a woman who stands up on her behalf beliefs 鈥?really? You issued "specific instructions" in what your boyfriend can and can't wear? Are you currently a real person or the Girlfriend character in the Judd Apatow film, crossly trying to force the man you're seeing to grow up into An Adult, whether or not he bleeding well likes it or not necessarily? Look, even leaving aside the rights and wrongs of your Team GB jersey, and we'll get to those in the tick, my feelings on bossing around the particular person with whom one shares a bed in relation to their wardrobe is that it's fine provided that they can boss you around right again. Judging from the tone of your concept, I'm guessing that would most definitely not be OK together with you. It's best to lay down the sartorial law only once the sartorial law is requested. Note, as an example, how long I patiently waited before stating my estimation on the evils of double denim: I do believe I was doing this column for something such as THREE WHOLE YEARS before finally someone published in, asked my opinion and I properly gave it, again and again and  once more. Moreover, your objection to the Team GB kit just isn't on aesthetic grounds 鈥?which, to a specific extent, I would understand 鈥?but which you feel it makes your paramour look just like "a saddo keenster. " Kelly, my beloved correspondent, you sound very Pre-Olympics Britain, unless you mind me saying (and if you carry out, too bad 鈥?you wrote in and this is exactly what you get). Were you asleep during the particular Olympics? Being keen and enthusiastic is now the newest British way! The closing ceremony did its damnedest to help relieve us back into the traditional grumbling English ways, but the truth is, two weeks of unabashed enthusiasm will take much more than Jessie J writhing about in any body stocking to undo. Not much a lot more, granted, but a bit more. Now, beneath usual circumstances I  would be very much together with you about not wearing T-shirts promoting an event that one is not specifically part. Or also, for that matter, if one is. Because the brilliant US comedian Andy Samberg pointed out there in his speech to Harvard students inside May, wearing a sweatshirt with Harvard splashed across oahu is the surest way to announce to the world that you will be an "a-hole". Personally, I always find it slightly 鈥?'ow you say? 鈥?tragic when anyone older than 12 feels the need to wear their particular favourite team's kit. Yes, you love them 鈥?that doesn't mean you must wear them. But then, as everyone is aware, wearing a Sheffield Wednesday scarf will absolutely help them progress into the Premier League. Yet post-Olympics, such sarkiness feels not really much misplaced but flat-out wrong. The Games have been, as is universally accepted, brilliant and felt being a once in a lifetime collective experience inside Britain. Therefore, it strikes me as absolutely correct to become keenster 鈥?and there's nothing saddo regarding it. So there's no reason why your partner shouldn't wear a jersey, if he desires to. Incidentally, the Olympics have made me re-evaluate my own scepticism towards donning one's team's outfits if football teams hold the same effect on fans as the Olympics acquired on, well, me: the person who struck the memorabilia stand when I  went for the Games, and hit it hard. If I  say I only stopped myself from investing in a golden Wenlock because I suspected any close friends who popped round would mistake it for a vibrator you'll get an idea of just how hard MY PARTNER AND I shopped. And you know, my only regret was that we didn't buy more. Because the Olympics were lovely and it's really pleasing to remember them. So if wearing slightly Team GB T-shirt encourages happy memories to stir within your boyfriend's breast and maybe jog that small bit further and harder in the mornings, I cannot see anything wrong your. Basically, Kelly, you need to re-adjust your brain from pre-27  July 2012 thinking to post-12 September 2012 thinking. There is nothing wrong together with showing pride in one's national Olympics staff now. The only wrong thing, in reality, would be to adopt a disapproving cooler-than-thou frame of mind. In fact, an abolition of that attitude generally speaking would be my favourite legacy of the particular games. 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